Upper Long Lake Sheriff Patrol Reports
Sergeant Brian Burwell
Patrol Services – Marine Division | Specialized Units
Marine Unit EMERGENCY number: 911 (NOTE: messages left for the marine division may not be retrieved for hours or days, so if you have a marine-related incident that involves any injuries or damaged property, please call 911 to have an officer dispatched to your location)
1200 N. Telegraph Rd. Bldg. 57W | Pontiac, MI 48341
Office: 248-858-1664 | Fax: 248-858-4965
Website: Marine Patrol
Patrol Services – Marine Division | Specialized Units
Marine Unit EMERGENCY number: 911 (NOTE: messages left for the marine division may not be retrieved for hours or days, so if you have a marine-related incident that involves any injuries or damaged property, please call 911 to have an officer dispatched to your location)
1200 N. Telegraph Rd. Bldg. 57W | Pontiac, MI 48341
Office: 248-858-1664 | Fax: 248-858-4965
Website: Marine Patrol
Lake Access
Upper Long Lake is a private lake intended for the enjoyment of residents, their families and guests. There is no public access on our lake.
Protecting the Lake
Recently enacted state legislation restricts the use of phosphorus based fertilizers to new lawns and golf courses only. This type of fertilizer promotes weed growth, poor water quality and algae blooms. In addition, Bloomfield Township Ordinance 621 monitors commercial fertilizer applicators in compliance with the new state law. Riparians, who use lake water to irrigate their lawns and gardens, receive a natural nutrient rich fertilization every time you water and it’s very cost effective. Residents who need to fertilize should use a no phosphorus/slow nitrogen release formula, and should not apply it within 25 feet of the lake.
Water Safety
You are responsible for knowing the rules and your actions on the lake. Please review and observe the attached boating rules and regulations. If you have further questions, contact the Marine Unit 248-858-7831. Water Safety on Upper Long Lake
DNR Info
Eat Safe Fish
Learn about eating safe, local, and healthful fish from our Great Lakes State. Click here
Invasive Red Swamp Crayfish found in MI
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources recently confirmed the presence of invasive red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) in Sunset Lake in Vicksburg, south of Kalamazoo (Kalamazoo County), and in a retention pond off Haggerty Road in Novi (Oakland County). Learn more
Learn about eating safe, local, and healthful fish from our Great Lakes State. Click here
Invasive Red Swamp Crayfish found in MI
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources recently confirmed the presence of invasive red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) in Sunset Lake in Vicksburg, south of Kalamazoo (Kalamazoo County), and in a retention pond off Haggerty Road in Novi (Oakland County). Learn more
Lake Improvement Board
Upper Long Lake Estates is one of eight subdivisions surrounding Upper Long Lake. The Upper Long Lake Lake Board was established in 1984 to address lake improvement issues such as water quality, aquatic weed control programs and nuisance control. The lake is maintained by the volunteer 7 member “Lake Board” comprised of 2 representatives from Bloomfield Township, one each from Oakland County Board of Commissioners, Oakland County Water Resource Commissioner’s Office and an appointed Riparian land owner. The excellent quality of our lake is due to the diligence and hard work of this Board. The Board determines the necessity and frequency of weed harvesting, algae control and other water quality issues.
An annual budget is prepared and an Annual Special Assessment District (SAD) is established to pass the costs through to residents who have use of the lake. Waterfront homes (Riparians) are assessed a full share and Backlot homes (Those with rights to use the deeded lots) are assessed .25 of the amount billed to Riparians. Notice of the Special Assessment is sent out by the Township and billed in June/July.
Upper Long Lake Website
The Upper Long Lake Lake Board Riparian representative is currently ULLE resident Ron Cousineau: [email protected]
An annual budget is prepared and an Annual Special Assessment District (SAD) is established to pass the costs through to residents who have use of the lake. Waterfront homes (Riparians) are assessed a full share and Backlot homes (Those with rights to use the deeded lots) are assessed .25 of the amount billed to Riparians. Notice of the Special Assessment is sent out by the Township and billed in June/July.
Upper Long Lake Website
The Upper Long Lake Lake Board Riparian representative is currently ULLE resident Ron Cousineau: [email protected]