ULLE Food Truck 2025 at C Beach / Lot 64
*Cancellations can occur. Please be patient in the event that a truck cancels their scheduled date.
*Cancellations can occur. Please be patient in the event that a truck cancels their scheduled date.
The Health of Upper Long Lake
In late September 2017, we were lucky to have the “Friends of the Rouge” volunteers come out and do a fish study. They found a tremendous variety of healthy fish. On Saturday, 9-23-17, at Upper Long Lake, they took home some of the small minnows because they are VERY difficult to identify without close magnification. He found an odd looking minnow and identified it as a Pugnose Shiner (Notropis anogenus) The ID was confirmed by Gerald Smith of University of Michigan and the fish will be sent there as a voucher specimen. This is one of the rarest fishes anywhere it is found and a Michigan endangered species.
Learn more about the Pugnose Shiner
Upper Long Lake fish ID
Oakland County Health Division
Oakland County reminds private well owners to test their drinking water regularly for contaminants to ensure that it is safe. More info
What’s happening around Bloomfield Township?
You can find out by subscribing to the Township eNewsletter. The eNewsletter is emailed to subscribers every Thursday. In addition, bulletins on weather emergencies and other alerts are sent as needed. It’s easy – and free – to subscribe.
In late September 2017, we were lucky to have the “Friends of the Rouge” volunteers come out and do a fish study. They found a tremendous variety of healthy fish. On Saturday, 9-23-17, at Upper Long Lake, they took home some of the small minnows because they are VERY difficult to identify without close magnification. He found an odd looking minnow and identified it as a Pugnose Shiner (Notropis anogenus) The ID was confirmed by Gerald Smith of University of Michigan and the fish will be sent there as a voucher specimen. This is one of the rarest fishes anywhere it is found and a Michigan endangered species.
Learn more about the Pugnose Shiner
Upper Long Lake fish ID
Oakland County Health Division
Oakland County reminds private well owners to test their drinking water regularly for contaminants to ensure that it is safe. More info
What’s happening around Bloomfield Township?
You can find out by subscribing to the Township eNewsletter. The eNewsletter is emailed to subscribers every Thursday. In addition, bulletins on weather emergencies and other alerts are sent as needed. It’s easy – and free – to subscribe.